Losing toxic people is a … win … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Losing toxic people is a … win … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I see all around myself a weird paradox … realizing that people live the fear of losing ugly relationships that defines their lives.

I saw it … not once … or twice.

I saw it … lots, lots of times.

And … even worst … i saw that weird example … so visible while analyzing my own life.

I was indeed afraid of getting rid of the toxicity from the scene of my own life.

I was afraid … of losing people that ruined me emotionally for such a long, long time.

Today … i could just ask … why this stupidity?!

Why we should have such a weird behavior?!

What’s wrong with us?!

Most of the toxicity from our lives is usually done by certain people … but still … i can’t understand the fear of losing those characters.

I keep analyzing myself.

On and on and on … until i finaly realize that between toxicity of an universe that we already know and the change with another universe … that we can’t really predict … we always prefer … toxicity.


We can’t see … the opportunity of … change.

And instead of change … depression appears.

Deeper … and deeper.

And we accept it too … as part of life … of our lives … not realizing the stupidity of our behavior.

Today …. I see depression as an amazing …. blessing.

A great … signal … that should make us stop continue life … and ask ourselves different psychological questions … especially about toxicity … its meaning … and why we accept it.

I personally know that losing toxic people it’s a win … but … i still act as an idiot …

I am afraid of losing all those ugly characters that are ruining me emotionally.

I accept induced depressive thoughts … which could be translated as bad vibes … simple because i am afraid of … change.

And i know that there are lots of people that don’t know any theories about life … but for my case …. even if i know it all … by such a long time … i still can’t … save myself.

Yes … the knowledge can’t heal … the fears.

And the paid price is huge … 

Only and only … because we are just … idiots.


Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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